Legal Advice

In an emergency, dial 999

Call us for help on 020 8571 0800 or email [email protected] 

Are you a victim of domestic abuse? Do you need legal advice?

Southall Black Sisters cannot provide you with legal advice via our helpline as our Helpline Advisors are not qualified solicitors.

Find a lawyer in your area.

You can contact the Rights of Women helpline. It provides free and confidential legal advice and information on issues including domestic violence, child contact, sexual violence and the criminal justice process and immigration and asylum.

The Rights of Women advice line can be extremely busy. You should keep trying to get through and you can also read the detailed information resources on their website.

If you need immigration advice, find a regulated adviser. Your adviser must be registered with the OISC (Office of the Immigration Commissioner) – the body that monitors and regulates the giving of immigration and asylum advice in the UK.

If you are having issues with housing and welfare benefits, contact Citizens Advice.

When you call a legal adviser to make an appointment, make sure that they are able to advise on the area of law you need help with and, if you are or on a low income or receiving welfare benefits, that they can provide legally aided advice. If you need one, ask that they arrange an interpreter for you.

Southall Black Sisters can recommend legal advisers but there is no guarantee that they will have the capacity to take on your case.

If you have been victim of domestic abuse and you can’t afford to pay for a lawyer, you may be money from the government. Find out more about legal aid.

Change the lives of women today.


Women’s Aid Website

The Survivor’s Handbook: Print and Audio Versions
Making arrangements for children after separation: the role of the family courts.

Rights of Women

Rights of Women have fact sheets on residence, contact and parental responsibility that can be downloaded for free from their website.
Women lawyers provide advice on 020 7251 6577 (telephone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm and Fridays, 12 noon – 2:00 pm.


Reunite runs a 24-hour emergency service for international child abduction cases.

Their advice line on 0116 2556 234 is open Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm or for information see their website.

The Reunite Child Abduction Prevention Guide provides clear and concise information and practical steps to take if you fear your child is in danger of abduction.

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