How to donate to Southall Black Sisters
Southall Black Sisters is a small non-profit organisation providing specialist services to some of society’s most marginalised women. Our support is in high demand and offers a lifeline to women who are often failed by other statutory and voluntary organisations.
Donate today to allow us to continue our work fighting for a world free from all forms of violence against women and girls.
Donate to help the #KingsCross3 resist the racist charges
Southall Black Sisters are campaigning to raise funds to support our Executive Director, Selma Taha, and her two friends, Divina Riggon and Danae Thomas, fight the racist charges imposed on them by the Crown Prosecution Service.
By charging Selma, Divina and Danae, the Crown Prosecution Service is criminalising the right of Black people, and Black women in particular, to call out racist abuse and resist racist violence. It highlights the many ways in which the criminal justice system disadvantages Black women due to institutionalised racism and sexism and reaffirms our lack of faith in an appropriate systemic response.
We operate in the underfunded violence against women and girls sector. Your financial support will be invaluable in ensuring that Selma, Divina and Danae – the #KingsCross3 – can meet their legal costs. Please donate whatever you can to fight this manifest injustice.
Our bank account details are as below. Please write ‘For #KingsCross3’ in the transfer reference when making the donation.
Account Name: Southall Black Sisters Donations
Address: 2 Station Road, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 4BY
Sort code: 404213
Account No: 81167758
IBAN: GB52HBUK40421381167758
We need to raise £20,000 to support the #KingsCross3 in their legal battle against the charges. We have already successfully raised £2,550 through GoFundMe and are now requesting donations directly into our bank account for the remaining amount. All funds raised will go towards Selma, Divina and Danae’s legal and campaigning costs. Excess funds, if any, will be ring-fenced for future campaigns aimed at tackling and uprooting institutional racism.
Donate online
Your donations will help us provide much-needed emergency accommodation, food, and other subsistence support to migrant women who are subject to gender-based violence, immigration restrictions and aren’t eligible to access public funds.
Request bank details
To request our bank details, please send us a message through our contact form.
Donate by cheque
Donations of any amount marked ‘Southall Black Sisters’ will be gratefully accepted.
Please send any donations to:
Finance Department
Southall Black Sisters
21 Avenue Road
If you would like to set up a regular donation via direct debit, please contact us.