Karishma Dharni

Resisting Binaries: Social Justice and Gender Equality Beyond the Religious and the Secular

In this launch of the Feminist Dissent special issue, ‘Challenging Binaries to Promote Women’s Equality’, Mariz Tadros (IDS), Ayesha Khan (CSSR), Hoda Elsadda (Cairo University), Chitra Nagarajan and Sohela Nazneen (IDS) challenge the static binarism of religious versus secular that obfuscates the plurality of framings and identities around which women and men mobilise for social justice.

They discuss possibilities for a new interpretive framework that takes into account the different power positionalities of those engaging in global and national struggles temporally and spatially, and does not shy away from the question of accountability for gender equality outcomes.

Friday 24 January, 2020
6-8 PM
Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, University of London


Mariz Tadros (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex)

Ayesha Khan (Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi)

Hoda Elsadda (English and Comparative Literature, Cairo University)

Sohela Nazneen (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex)

Chitra Nagarajan (human rights activist based in Nigeria)

Mariz Tadros(Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex)
Mariz Tadros is Professor of Politics and Development at the Institute of Development Studies. She convenes the Coalition on Religious Equality and Inclusive Development (CREID), launched in November 2018. She has authored over one hundred publications including: Resistance, Revolt, and Gender Justice in Egypt (2016).

Ayesha Khan (Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi)
Ayesha Khan is with the Collective for Social Science Research in Karachi. She works on gender and development, social policy, refugee and conflict issues. Author of The Women’s Movement in Pakistan: Activism, Islam and Democracy (2018). Currently she is researching women’s collective action to increase their political voice in Pakistan.

Hoda Elsadda (English and Comparative Literature, Cairo University)
Sohela Nazneen is an IDS Research Fellow focusing on gender and governance, women’s economic empowerment, violence against women, and feminist movements in South Asia and sub Saharan Africa. She co-edited Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South: The Politics of Domestic Violence Policy Making (2019).

Sohela Nazneen (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex)Sohela Nazneen is an IDS Research Fellow focusing on gender and governance, women’s economic empowerment, violence against women, and feminist movements in South Asia and sub Saharan Africa. She co-edited Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South: The Politics of Domestic Violence Policy Making (2019).

Chitra Nagarajan (human rights activist based in Nigeria)Chitra Nagarajan works on analysing conflict, building peace, protecting civilians and defending human rights, particularly those of women, girls and LGBTQI communities, across conflict affected northern Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin. She co-edited She Called Me Woman: Nigeria’s Queer Women Speak (2018).



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