Women Against Fundamentalism are celebrating and launching ‘Stories of Dissent and Solidarity’ with an event on 19th September at Rich Mix and tickets will be available in mid-August. Speakers include Pragna Patel, Natalie Bennett, Nadje Al Ali and Georgie Wemyss.
Edited by Sukhwant Dhaliwal and Nira Yuval-Davis, the book charts a striking collection of political reflections of some of its members, focusing on pathways that led them to WAF: “the personal stories at the centre of this book are those of women whose lives enact the complexities of multiple (if shifting and contingent) mutually constitutive axes of power and difference. Much of their concerns therefore relate to crossing the boundaries of collectivity and practising a ‘dialogical transversal politics’ that has developed as an alternative to identity politics.”
The book is now available at Amazon UK – Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity
Photograph: Copyright Rob Kenyon